6 - 12 years
Full day hours: 8:30 am- 2:30 pm
Extended day hours: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Math begins with “hands-on” learning through discovery. The concepts include numeration, computation, problem solving, fractions, graphing, measurement, long division and algebraic equations.
After the child has explored forms and shapes, they are invited to understand figures and details. Hands-on experience in learning the concepts which include types and positions of lines, angles, congruence, symmetry and equivalency.
Language includes comprehensive spelling curriculum, word study, parts of speech, creative writing and research skills. Children will be introduced to poetry, folk tales, non-fiction, and classic literature and grammar Student leveled Ready GEN Reading Program complements the curriculum.
Writing Work Shop: Our writing program reflects a balance between content which demonstrates critical thinking and punctuation to clarify meaning. Writing experiences will include opinion pieces, informative texts and narratives. Students will collaborate with peers on research producing and publishing writing.
Botany and zoology encompass a wide field of biological study. Classification of plant and animal kingdoms are widely discussed. Children begin to research on their own using their knowledge of specific plants and animal species.
Science in Montessori introduce children to advanced topics in early years by using a variety of materials and through a lot of experiment, preparing the children for a life time of discovery!!
Geography and History include the study of civilizations, continents, countries which include flags, people, cultures and geographic features of each country. History will begin with a Time-line. Art is incorporated with Geography.
The intent of the Spanish program is exposure to language and culture as a means for “communicative competence” thereby forming a bridge to the child’s multi-cultural perspective and understanding.
Children in an Elementary classroom begin to keep a record of their work. They draw up contracts where they agree to do certain work during a week or month. Keeping track makes for good choices, self-evaluation and integrity. Teachers will overview work.